Titli Full Movie Download Filmywap Bollywood

The film is Indian and was released in the year 2007. The movie has a runtime time of 2hrs 7minutes and it's rated R .This film also won the award for Best Debut Feature Film at the 2008 Mumbai International Film Festival. The production budget was $ 1,000,000 and it got 1,024 number of votes on imdb website. The film was released on 16June 2007 in USA. The Story Of The Film- Titli, the story is about two brothers who are running away from their parents for committing a crime. They go to Mumbai and join their grandmother's house where they discover several secrets that are kept hidden by their very own family members. The whole story revolves around these two brothers, how they survive the difficulties that life puts them through and how they try to break free from these secrets which are keeping them under arrest . This film was directed by Kanu Behl. It was produced by Pritish Nandy Communications. The music was composed by Amit Trivedi, Toshi Morita and Akshat Sharma The film has won the following awards: 2007 2009 IIFA Awards (India) (Blu-ray Copy) 2015 IIFA Awards (India) 2016 IIFA Awards (India) 2007 Toronto International Film Festival 2007 Mumbai International Film Festival 2007 Filmfare Awards East 2008 Screen Videocon Awards South Other Info Distributed by Pritish Nandy Communications Release Date : 16 June 2007 Genre : Drama, Thriller Cast : Konkona Sen Sharma, Ratna Pathak Shah, Tannishtha Chatterjee Directed by : Kanu Behl Written By : Kan. Behl, Riya Ganguly Starring : Konkona Sen Sharma, Ratna Pathak Shah, Tannishtha Chatterjee Music Director : Amit Trivedi Cinematography : Ganesh Hegde Edited By : Jaya Ahire Production Design By : Rajiv Krishnan Production Controller : Anjali Kumar Executive Producer: Pritish Nandy "'Titli' is the first film by the Pritish Nandy Group and was a venture of 'Centre of Indian Media Studies' that provided commercial viability to the previously dormant project. It has been produced under a consortium of Nandita Ray Film Company and 'Centre for Indian Media Studies'. The film was shot almost on the entire first floor of the building at Andheri (East) and was brought to Mumbai from Delhi." "The first copy of 'Titli' was sent for Censor on September 12, 2006 and it was passed with minor cuts on January 25, 2007. This film has been edited by Jaya Ahire and 'Centre for Indian Media Studies', provided with a musical score by Amit Trivedi and Akshat Sharma, cinematography done by Ganesh Hegde, Art Direction by Rajiv Krishnan, Production design by Anjali Kumar with a special mention to Production Controller Anjali Kumar.


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